# Log Format # ZCZC WEEK# MINUTES LogCode Description # LogCode: https://osp4diss.vlsm.org/ETC/logCodes.txt ZCZC W00 40 L99 watch youtube ZCZC W00 10 L03 Create os202 repository ZCZC W00 100 L04 Create github page ZCZC W00 60 L02 ZOOM meeting ZCZC W00 60 L04 Fix github page ZCZC W00 10 L05 Searching about markdown language ZCZC W00 120 L06 Reading OSC Book ZCZC W01 90 L02 Zoom meeting ZCZC W01 60 L21 Install virtual box, debian, putty, etc ZCZC W01 15 L11 Create a debian virtual guest osp ZCZC W01 60 L13 Create a new user account with my github account name aks861 ZCZC W01 60 L12 Using bash command ZCZC W01 60 L14 Create a tunnel via kawung ZCZC W01 15 L15 Copy extra/Docs and extra/Slides from badak ZCZC W01 10 L16 git pull my os202 repository ZCZC W01 15 L12 learn using vi while updating mylog.txt ZCZC W01 15 L17 Update and push mylog.txt ZCZC W01 30 L15 Copy extra/Demos from badak ZCZC W01 15 L18 Create w00.md and w01.md file, text later ZCZC W01 60 L19 Read OSC book ZCZC W01 90 L05 GSGS related to this week topic ZCZC W01 30 L18 fill the top 10 list ZCZC W02 90 L02 Zoom meeting ZCZC W02 15 L12 Generate a GnuPG key pair ZCZC W02 30 L13 Import OS Public key ospubkey.txt ZCZC W02 15 L14 Export mypubkey.txt ZCZC W02 30 L15 Create myrank.txt and review closest neighbour 5 up and 5 down ZCZC W02 15 L17 Create myscript.sh ZCZC W02 20 L18 Update mylog.txt ZCZC W02 30 L19 Make SHA256SUM and sign it as SHA256SUM.asc ZCZC W02 60 L03 Fix git merge conflict ZCZC W02 60 L06 Read OSC Book chapter 16 & 17 ZCZC W02 60 L05 GSGS related to this week topic ZCZC W02 60 L16 Make a top 10 list for week 2 ZCZC W03 90 L02 Zoom meeting ZCZC W03 10 L13 Update my .bash_aliases ZCZC W03 15 L16 Create myW03token.txt and put the result of chktoken ZCZC W03 30 L17 Dowload TLPI code and write disk usage to myW03disk.txt ZCZC W03 10 L19 Update myscript.sh ZCZC W03 15 L14 Review my neighbours top 10 list put it in myrank.txt ZCZC W03 35 L12 Trying week 3 demo ZCZC W03 30 L07 Trying week 2 demo ZCZC W03 120 L11 Read OSC book related to this week topic ZCZC W03 60 L05 GSGS related to this week topic ZCZC W03 45 L15 Create week 3 top 10 list ZCZC W03 15 L18 Update mylog.txt ZCZC W03 5 L20 Make SHA256SUM and sign it as SHA256SUM.asc ZCZC W04 90 L02 Zoom meeting ZCZC W04 10 L12 Update my virtual guest ZCZC W04 10 L15 Run chktoken NEWHOPE and put the result into myW04token.txt ZCZC W04 45 L16 Download https://os.vlsm.org/WEEK/W04.tar.bz2.asc and write the result into myW04.txt ZCZC W04 20 L13 Update myrank.txt ZCZC W04 90 L11 Read OSC book related to this week topic ZCZC W04 90 L05 GSGS related to this week topic ZCZC W04 20 L07 Trying this week demo ZCZC W04 90 L14 Create this week top 10 list ZCZC W04 10 L17 Update mylog.txt ZCZC W04 10 L18 Update myscript.sh ZCZC W04 5 L19 Make SHA256SUM and sign it as SHA256SUM.asc ZCZC W05 80 L02 Zoom meeting ZCZC W05 5 L15 Run chktoken 12345 and write the result into myW05token.txt ZCZC W05 20 L16 Download https://os.vlsm.org/WEEK/W05.tar.bz2.asc and write the result into myW05.txt ZCZC W05 20 L13 Update myrank.txt ZCZC W05 90 L11 Read OSC10 chapter 10 ZCZC W05 10 L12 Update my virtual guest ZCZC W05 90 L14 Create week 5 top 10 list ZCZC W05 15 L17 Update mylog.txt ZCZC W05 5 L18 Update bash script ZCZC W05 5 L19 Make SHA256SUM and sign it as SHA256SUM.asc ZCZC W06 90 L02 Zoom meeting ZCZC W06 5 L12 Update virtual guest ZCZC W06 5 L15 Run chktoken JOLANTRU and put it in the myW06token.txt ZCZC W06 60 L07 Trying week 6 demo ZCZC W06 90 L16 Download https://os.vlsm.org/WEEK/W06.tar.bz2.asc and write the result into TXT/myW06.txt. ZCZC W06 10 L20 Do make clean the W06 folder and tar it back ZCZC W06 10 L20 GnuPG encrypt (armor) to myW06.tar.bz2.txt ZCZC W06 120 L11 Read OSC Book chapter 3 and 4 ZCZC W06 15 L13 Update myrank.txt ZCZC W06 90 L14 Create week 6 top 10 list ZCZC W06 15 L17 Update mylog.txt ZCZC W06 5 L18 Update bash script ZCZC W06 5 L19 Make SHA256SUM and sign it as SHA256SUM.asc ZCZC W07 90 L02 Zoom meeting ZCZC W07 5 L13 Update virtual guest ZCZC W07 15 L14 Update myrank.txt ZCZC W07 5 L16 Run chktoken TFAWAKENS and put it in the myW07token.txt ZCZC W07 30 L07 Trying week 7 demo ZCZC W07 60 L17 Download https://os.vlsm.org/WEEK/W07.tar.bz2.asc and do the assignment ZCZC W07 10 L20 Do make clean MY W07/ folder and tar it back into myW07.tar.bz2 ZCZC W07 5 L20 GnuPG encrypt (armor) to myW07.tar.bz2.txt ZCZC W07 90 L12 Read OSC book chapter 6, 7, and 8 ZCZC W07 60 L15 Create week 7 top ten list ZCZC W07 10 L18 Update mylog.txt ZCZC W07 5 L19 Update bash script ZCZC W07 5 L20 Make SHA256SUM and sign it as SHA256SUM.asc ZCZC W08 60 L02 Zoom meeting ZCZC W08 120 L12 Read OSC chapter 5 ZCZC W08 5 L13 Update my virtual guest ZCZC W08 25 L14 Update myrank.txt ZCZC W08 90 L15 Create week 8 top 10 list ZCZC W08 5 L16 Run chktoken LINUXFROMSCRATCH and put it in the myW08token.txt ZCZC W08 15 L17 Update mylog.txt ZCZC W08 5 L18 Update bash script ZCZC W08 5 L19 Make SHA256SUM and sign it (detached, armor) as SHA256SUM.asc. ZCZC W08 180 L10 Do LFS assignment ZCZC W08 30 L20 Place the assignment result into W08/ folder and tar it into myW08.tar.bz2. ZCZC W08 10 L20 GnuPG encrypt (armor) to myW08.tar.bz2.txt. ZCZC W09 60 L02 Zoom meeting ZCZC W09 5 L11 chktoken ROMULAN ZCZC W09 20 L14 Update myrank.txt ZCZC W09 15 L17 Update log